Friday, December 6, 2013

Creating an easy way to make an app

Creating an app can be difficult if you don;t know what your doing.Now im no professional at making or developing apps but i can show you some steps and tools to make an app after all everything is going mobile why not learn something that is fun and exciting  especially if you have some knowledge on how to make an app.The best way to make an app is thew the android S.D.K "software development kit".Which if you know java and how to code its perfect for you Just search it  and you'll find how to download it.For those of you like myself that never learned to code there are some app builders.These app builders are very easy to use and take no time at all in fact some even have videos to help you as you go along.But before i name a couple i use the first thing you wanna do is think of some ideas.Make a list of a few once you get the list go ahead and go to a keyword search tool and put your separate idea in that tool to see how popular that word is .Out of all your ideas take the best keyword out of your ideas and use that one to create your app.I am no expert  but it only makes sense to figure out what is the most popular search for the list you prepared.Once you have figured out that part the rest is really easy.I thought the same thing probably as your thinking but after you have done one you'll see for yourself.Now i am gonna name a few app builders for you to try and i suggest you try each one and find the one that best suits you.I will also include a couple videos on using those app builders for you to see for yourself .Here are the three that i know of and use .1. 2nd is the infinite monkeys app and the third is sencha.Try all three and see how you like them.

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